IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia

Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Colorectal cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Liver Cancer, Lung Cancer, Oncology Nutrition, Online Tele-Consultation, Ovarian Cancer, Pain Management, Prostate Cancer, Psycho-oncology, Second Opinion, Stomach Cancer, Thyroid Cancer

About Us

Overview – The European Institute of Oncology, Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care, is a “comprehensive cancer center”, with a “non-profit” purpose, active in three areas: Clinical,  Research and  Training.

The IEO aims to achieve excellence in the field of cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment through the development of clinical scientific research and organizational and managerial innovation in a context of constant attention to the quality of the service provided to the assisted persons. The values ​​and principles that inspire and guide the Institute’s operators are:

  • Centrality of the assisted person
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of care
  • Service excellence
  • Multidisciplinary approach to clinical aspects
  • Development of experimental research with rapid transfer to patients
  • Enhancement of human resources
  • European spirit and openness to international collaborations

IEO Women’s Cancer Center is born, a multidisciplinary and multifunctional center for women. The IEO “Women’s Cancer Center” was born from the desire to take care of its patients in a global and continuous way, the result of the structured union of all the forces and knowledge that already today revolve around the female figure in the Institute.

In IEO, the surgical activity has grown over time every day, often being the therapy of choice for many pathologies. In 2006 it was joined by robotic surgery, which still represents the most innovative and effective alternative to surgery performed with classical techniques.

A reference institute where cancer research becomes a cure in real time


  • Languages : Italian, English