Aims of IGT Clinic
IGT Clinic aim to improve QOL (Quality of Life), not painful life-prolonging treatment, so that you can spend the rest of your time without suffering from the side effects of treatment.
The treatment at the IGT clinic is different from systemic chemotherapy and is one of the treatments for the local cancer.
The goal of their treatment is to make the lesions that people suffering from cancer suffer from as small as possible to relieve their symptoms and improve the functioning of their organs. It is a treatment to save lives instead of hitting “cancer” thoroughly. They have prepared a treatment environment and introduced new medical technologies. At this clinic, they strive to improve treatment results as much as possible by combining endovascular treatment, mainly arterial embolization, with hyperthermia.
IGT Clinic treatment devices
Even if the cancer has spread throughout the body, we should actively provide local treatment if the tumor causes pain or if the tumor causes airway narrowing that causes dyspnea. They believe they can alleviate the symptoms.
For example, in the mediastinum and hilar region, when the tumor grows, the trachea may be compressed, causing repeated dyspnea and pneumonia. On the contrary, even if there are many large metastases on the peripheral side of the lungs, they do not cause many symptoms unless pleural effusion is accumulated. It is known that in the hilar region and mediastinum, blood vessels called bronchial arteries often feed the tumor. Symptoms are alleviated by injecting a small amount of anticancer drug from this bronchial artery and adding a light embolus to make the tumor smaller.
Hyperthermia Hyperthermia is a treatment that warms the target cancer lesion.
It is a treatment that can be combined with other treatment methods, and we carry out hyperthermia. Hyperthermia as a combination treatment with endovascular treatment and anticancer drug treatment at other facilities.
They strive to provide advanced cancer medical care, a comfortable medical care environment, daily medical care so that you can receive stress-free treatment, and provide safe and convincing medical care that can bring out the smiles of patients and their families. At the IGT Clinic, they provide endovascular treatment, cancer treatment with thermal treatment, uterine fibroid treatment, lymphedema outpatient clinic, cancer screening screening, CT outpatient clinic, etc.
- Languages : English, Japanese