
Health Benefits to Fasting

We live in a time of indulgence made easier with eCommerce (we buy more than we need), and we eat more than we should. The reality of COVID-19 should remind us all that managing your personal health is so important. Heart disease or cardiovascular disease (CVD) was not very common years ago but in 2019 (Pre-COVID), CVD was the underlying cause of 9.6 million deaths among men and 8.9 million deaths among women, around a third of all deaths globally. According to WHO, Over 6 million of these deaths occurred in people between the ages of 30-70. The highest number of CVD deaths occurred in China, followed by India, Russia, the US and Indonesia. In 2019 alone more people died of CVD verus the current Global COVID-19 death are 5,223,984 at the time of this post. So what can you do about it?

Benefits to Fasting

There are numerous benefits to fasting. It increases your immunity by stimulating the regrowth of cells that have died, which leads to better overall health and a longer life span. But it is essential to remember that a fast shouldn’t be taken on by everyone because it may not be appropriate for certain health issues. If you’re thinking about going on a fast, it’s essential to talk with a physician before making any plans. A three-day fast is suggested for those suffering with an illness, or receiving chemotherapy.

Another advantage of fasting is that it boosts immunity. A prolonged fasting regimen can renew and replenish the immune cells in your body, and it will eliminate the toxins that are stored inside your body, namely fat. It can also reduce your blood pressure which is an essential aspect in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Additionally, since it helps conserve your energy and delays fatigue from developing. Fasting is beneficial to those suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Research on Fasting

Research has shown that intermittent fasting has the potential to lower body weight and help prevent the growth of cancers such as breast. Intermittent fasting may improve endurance and motor coordination. It also reduces cholesterol levels and liver fat. Because it is effective in increasing bowel functioning it is beneficial for weight loss as well as your immune system. Since fasting is beneficial, it will assist in improving mental performance. If you practice it regularly you could even boost the amount of sleep you get.

In studies on animals it has been demonstrated that fasting can slow down the process of aging. Male Wistar rats who were fed on a daily basis until they were weaned were discovered to have an 83 percent longer life expectancy than those fed daily. It is crucial to keep in mind that fasting is not a cause of malnutrition. Instead, it stimulates autophagy, which is the process of recycling old cells that aids in preventing heart disease as well as certain forms of cancer.

Researchers have discovered that fasting is beneficial to physical and mental performance. It is utilized by many religions and plays a significant part in the cultural practices. Although it is true that the advantages of fasting are well-known but there are conflicting scientific studies to prove the advantages of fasting. Many of us are aware that it has the potential to improve our health by reducing cholesterol levels and increasing blood vessels’ expansion. For others it is just the best way to get better health.

What Fasting Does For Your Body

Fasting boosts the level of the human growth hormone that is present in our bodies, which is a hormone that is crucial for building muscles. The increased concentrations of growth hormone in humans provide many other benefits which include preventing the development of age-related illnesses. They also aid in helping to help the body’s immunity systems “reboot” it self. In the end, fasting can lead to longevity and a healthier lifestyle. Human growth hormone can help our immune system to fight harmful bacteria, and also protects us from the effects of age.

Alongside losing weight, fasting can help reduce the risk of getting cancer. Through reducing inflammation and blood sugar levels and the elimination of toxins within the body will significantly reduce the risk of cancer as well as the type II diabetes. In addition, the absence of toxic substances may reduce the spread and growth of tumors. A healthy body means a positive outlook. If you’re worried regarding your weight loss, think about going on a fast. The advantages of fasting to your health are many.

Research studies about advantages of fasting have shown that it may help lower the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. Additionally, it can help reduce inflammation levels within the body. Additionally, fasting can improve the brain’s function. It is also linked with decreased chance of developing Type 2 diabetes and reduced chance of developing depression. Although fasting isn’t recommended for all people, it is suggested for those with Type 2 Diabetes. This is a major cause of developing cancer.

Fasting may improve the function of organs and vascular systems. It may reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and boost blood circulation. Effects of fasting on blood-lipids, triglycerides as well as cholesterol are astounding. Although the advantages of fasting are not infinite, they are certainly worth taking into consideration. They may reduce the likelihood of suffering from cardiovascular disease reduce the risk of aging and help you live longevity and a healthier lifestyle. This is an excellent option to improve overall well-being and overall health of the body.

Take the Fasting Challenge

Currently, I can fast for up to five (days) quite easily.  Not sure I can do the 7 days or the 30 day challenge like many have, but certainly plan to work my way up to these goals. If you are considering fasting consider watching some excellent videos by Dr Steven Eckberg, a former Olympic decathalon champion from Sweden.  He provides some great advice on both food, nutrition, exercise, and fasting.


Losing Weight

Lose Weight and Keep it Off

If you’re trying to shed weight, you might be tempted by diet drinks or other beverages that are empty of calories. But, these drinks that may be low in calories and could actually increase your appetite. In addition, some other drinks may also contain alcohol which would make it more likely to develop extra weight. Therefore, you should increase your water intake to cut down on calories. To make your changes more effective, you should also avoiding eating out, ordering food delivery, and modifying your routine by preparing a packed lunch. Also, you should refrain from drinking coffee or tea if you need to add additional sugar. Black coffee or tea (even with milk) is acceptable as long as you avoid adding sugar.

Understand your Eating Patterns

If you’re looking to shed weight, you must alter the way you eat. For instance, if you’re prone to having breakfast at a different time, you may be eating too fast. To stay focused, you need to look at your habits and figure out the factors that hinder your progress. If you follow these suggestions and techniques, you’ll be able implement lifestyle changes to assist you in losing weight. However, remember that it’s not enough to shed pounds. To keep the weight reduction, it is important to be aware of how to maintain it.


If your used to eating seeral times a day, you might want to consider fasting.  Many people feel as though you will starve if you don’t eat at least three times a day, or alternately opt to eat many small meals throughout the day.  Either has its pro’s and con’s, but you may want to also try fasting.  Fasting is a great way to burn fat, preserve muscle, and feed your brain.  One of our favorite youtube channels is Dr. Eckberg, a swedish former Olympic decathalon athlete, who has excellent videos on both exercise, fasting, and healthy foods.

Losing Weight Too Quickly

If you’ve noticed that you’re losing weight for a prolonged amount of time, it’s possible that you might have an unidentified loss of weight. The cause is typically due to digestive issues. These ailments range from peptic ulcers to diarrhea. The most common causes for unprovoked weight loss are thyroid infections, overactive thyroid and intestinal issues. If you’re suffering due to any of these issues the doctor will recommend the right supplements to treat the condition.

Genetics and Health Related Factors

Although it is possible to shed weight without diet, the most crucial aspect to achieving your goals is to commit to it. Although you’re able to rely on activities and exercise to shed weight, you should be aware that the strategies you decide to use for losing weight will depend on your genetics as well as other health-related factors. It is crucial to keep in mind that a diet program which works for one individual could not be the right solution for you.

If you’re dedicated to losing weight and gaining weight, you’ll be able reach your goals. If you’re losing 5 pounds or the equivalent of 190, even a small loss can be a major improvement in your overall health. A balanced diet can help you meet your weight-loss goals, but you must take into account your life style. Apart from the diet, you must take care to reduce your emotional triggers and take into consideration your daily physical activities.

Comfort Eating

Although comfort eating can be a healthy and enjoyable habit, it could make losing weight a challenge. Additionally, it could negatively impact your mental health and can lead to excessive eating. In addition, having a substantial breakfast is a good opportunity to kick-start your metabolism and help you burn extra calories through the entire day. This is because eating a smaller breakfast can prevent you from feeling full during the entire day. When you eat a more substantial breakfast, you’ll have the time to burn off calories and your body is more likely to shed the fats.

Changes in your eating habits could aid in losing weight. The first step is to change your diet. It is important to replace junk food with nutritious alternatives. Instead of cutting back on the food you love it is best to eat whenever you’re feeling hungry. This will help you shed weight more quickly and help keep your mood under control. It will also help keep your mind on task. It can help you stick to your diet plan and accomplish your goals. It is recommended to try losing about one or two pounds per week.

Changing Your Lifestyle

The best way to lose weight is changing your lifestyle and not only your food choices. A balanced diet is vital to your overall health. It is important to consume a balanced diet that includes all food categories. It is important to not quit if you are full or feel like you’re gassy. You’ll become used to it. It’s easier to lose weight faster than you imagine when you alter the way you eat. It is also essential to not be focused on what that you consume. A healthy diet will help you consume more food, which isn’t healthy.

If you’re a vegetarian make sure you eat healthy food. Vegetables and fruits are high in fiber, and they can assist in losing weight. Along with eating nutritious food items, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. While exercise is crucial to lose weight however, it’s not the sole method to lose weight. A healthy diet is one that includes regular drinking water and a balanced diet. It is also important to ensure that you choose an eating method that works for you whether that involves regular meals or fasting.