Bariatric Surgery Case Study: Kael Sangnam

Bariatric Surgery Case Study: Kael Sangnam


Kael Sangnam, a 37-year-old with a BMI of 34.7, had been struggling with several health issues, including sleep apnea, shortness of breath, and persistent back pain. Despite various attempts to manage her weight, these health conditions continued to affect her quality of life. Realizing that these conditions were closely linked to her weight, Kael decided to undergo a gastric sleeve procedure to improve her health and overall well-being.

Name: Kael Sangnam
Age: 37 Years
Initial Weight: 90 kg
Height: 161 cm
BMI: 34.7
Operation Date: March 5, 2024
Procedure: Gastric Sleeve
Surgeon: Dr. Ratchamon P.
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

The Procedure:

On March 5, 2024, Kael underwent a gastric sleeve procedure performed by Dr. Ratchamon P. at a renowned medical facility Pat Ransit Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The surgery involved reducing the size of Kael's stomach, significantly limiting her food intake and promoting weight loss. The operation was successfully completed with no complications, and Kael was closely monitored throughout her recovery.

Post-Operative Progress:

Following the surgery, Kael experienced a remarkable transformation. In just five months, she lost 30 kg, bringing her weight down to 60 kg and reducing her BMI to 23.1. The weight loss led to significant improvements in her health. Her back pain disappeared, and her sleep apnea was resolved, allowing her to sleep soundly without interruptions.

Kael reported that the surgery had a minimal impact on her daily life. She experienced no pain from the surgical wounds, which healed quickly. She was able to walk and perform light activities while still in the hospital, which contributed to a swift recovery. The five small incisions on her abdomen healed rapidly, leaving minimal scarring.

Remote Patient Monitoring:

To ensure continuous support and optimal post-operative care, Kael was enrolled in Taqtik Health's Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program. This program allowed her to monitor her progress closely, tracking her vital signs, weight, and overall well-being in real-time. Kael appreciated the additional layer of support, saying,

"The Remote Patient Monitoring has been a game-changer for me. Knowing that I can track my own progress and share this with my doctor gives me peace of mind. It’s reassuring to have that level of care, even after leaving the hospital."

Feedback and Outlook:

Reflecting on her experience, Kael shared,

"I underwent this surgery because of my sleep apnea and shortness of breath, and I also had severe back pain. But after losing weight from 90 kg to 60 kg, my back pain disappeared, and my sleep issues are gone. The doctor told me that the first six months after the surgery are the golden period for weight loss, and I might reach my final weight of around 50-55 kg. That’s so amazing."

Kael’s journey demonstrates the life-changing potential of bariatric surgery, especially when combined with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle and the support of advanced tools like Remote Patient Monitoring. Her story highlights the importance of choosing a skilled surgical team and receiving comprehensive care, both of which were provided by Taqtik Health.


Kael Sangnam's case is a testament to the effectiveness of gastric sleeve surgery in addressing obesity-related health issues and improving overall quality of life. With the support of Taqtik Health, Dr. Ratchamon P., and the RPM program, Kael was able to achieve significant weight loss and experience a dramatic improvement in her health. As she continues her journey, Kael is optimistic about reaching her target weight and maintaining her newfound well-being.

Call to Action:

If you are interested in exploring your options for bariatric surgery and receiving comprehensive post-operative care, including Remote Patient Monitoring, contact us below. Taqtik Health is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to better health. Simply request a quote at anytime. 

Additional Resources:


Success Stories of Medical Tourists: Bariatric Surgery and Remote Patient Monitoring

Success Stories of Medical Tourists: Bariatric Surgery and Remote Patient Monitoring

Medical tourism has gained significant popularity as individuals seek cost-effective and high-quality healthcare solutions abroad. In the realm of bariatric surgery, medical tourists are discovering the added benefits of remote patient monitoring (RPM) during their transformative journeys. This article delves into real-life success stories of medical tourists who underwent bariatric surgery with the support of remote patient monitoring, showcasing the positive outcomes, enhanced experiences, and improved quality of life that this combination can offer.

John's Journey to a Healthier Life:

John, a medical tourist from the United States, embarked on a journey to Cancun, Mexico for his bariatric surgery. With the implementation of remote patient monitoring, his healthcare team was able to closely monitor his progress from a distance. Through regular virtual check-ins, John received personalized guidance, nutritional advice, and medication reminders. The continuous monitoring provided by RPM ensured that any potential complications were identified early on, allowing prompt intervention and minimizing risks. John's successful weight loss journey and improved health are a testament to the power of bariatric surgery coupled with remote patient monitoring.

Maria's Transformation in Bangkok, Thailand:

Maria, a medical tourist from Canada, decided to undergo bariatric surgery in Bangkok, Thailand. The integration of remote patient monitoring played a crucial role in her post-operative care. With wearable devices tracking her vital signs and activity levels, Maria's healthcare team remotely monitored her progress, ensuring a smooth recovery. Virtual consultations allowed for personalized support, dietary guidance, and emotional counseling. The convenience of remote monitoring enabled Maria to remain in close contact with her healthcare providers, even when she returned home. Her remarkable weight loss and positive lifestyle changes are a testament to the effectiveness of bariatric surgery supported by remote patient monitoring.

Carlos's Path to Wellness in Guadajara, Mexico:

Carlos, a medical tourist from the United States, sought bariatric surgery in Guadalajara, Mexico. Remote patient monitoring was instrumental in his journey towards better health. Carlos wore a connected device that transmitted his vital signs and physical activity data to his healthcare team. This enabled his medical professionals to remotely track his progress, identify potential issues, and provide timely interventions. Virtual follow-ups allowed Carlos to receive ongoing guidance, address any concerns, and receive the necessary support from his healthcare providers. Today, Carlos celebrates his weight loss success and improved overall well-being, made possible through the combination of bariatric surgery and remote patient monitoring.

Next Steps

The success stories of medical tourists who have undergone bariatric surgery with the support of remote patient monitoring highlight the transformative power of this combination. Through continuous monitoring, personalized care, and remote interventions, medical tourists can achieve remarkable weight loss, improve their overall health, and enhance their quality of life. These stories demonstrate how the integration of remote patient monitoring into bariatric surgery journeys for medical tourists ensures effective communication, timely support, and better outcomes. As more individuals seek bariatric surgery abroad, the utilization of remote patient monitoring is expected to continue revolutionizing the experience, safety, and success of medical tourists worldwide.