Understanding the Obesity-Depression Connection and the Transformative Power of Bariatric Surgery

Understanding the Obesity-Depression Connection and the Transformative Power of Bariatric Surgery


At Taqtik Health, we understand the complexities of health issues like obesity and depression. Recent studies have uncovered a deeper connection between these two conditions, offering new insights into their management, especially the role of bariatric surgery.

The Interlinked Path of Obesity and Depression:

Recent research, including a study from the University of Cambridge, has shown a bidirectional relationship between obesity and depression. The findings suggest that increases in depressive symptoms can lead to short-term weight gain, particularly in individuals who are overweight or obese. This highlights the intertwined nature of physical and mental health.

The Precedence of Obesity in Mental Health Disorders:

A groundbreaking study reported in Psychology Today revealed that obesity often precedes the diagnosis of mental health disorders. This suggests that effectively managing obesity could play a crucial role in preventing the onset of mental health conditions.

The Role of Bariatric Surgery:

At Taqtik Health, we recognize the potential of bariatric surgery in addressing these intertwined health issues. Bariatric surgery is more than a weight loss procedure; it's a step towards overall health improvement, including mental well-being.

Benefits Beyond Weight Loss:

The weight loss achieved through bariatric surgery can lead to enhanced self-esteem and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. This holistic approach to obesity treatment is crucial for ensuring the overall success and improved quality of life for patients.

Patient-Centered Approach:

We believe in a comprehensive treatment plan for our patients considering bariatric surgery. This includes pre-surgical psychological assessments and ongoing mental health support, ensuring a holistic path to wellness.


Understanding the link between obesity and depression is key to providing effective treatment. Bariatric surgery offers a promising solution, addressing both physical and mental health aspects. At Taqtik Health, we are committed to guiding our patients through this transformative journey with comprehensive care and support.


    1. University of Cambridge study on depression and weight gain: ScienceDaily
    2. UK COVID-19 study on obesity and depression: Drugs.com
    3. Psychology Today article on obesity preceding mental health disorders: Psychology Today
Healthcare Price Transparency

Unveiling the Facts: Healthcare Price Transparency with Taqtik Health

Introduction: The Era of Informed Healthcare Choices

At Taqtik Health, we understand that navigating the healthcare system can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the costs involved. This is why we're delving into the crucial topic of healthcare price transparency in both public and private healthcare sectors. Our aim is to shed light on this complex subject, empowering patients to make better-informed healthcare decisions.

The Critical Need for Price Transparency in Healthcare

Healthcare price transparency is about making the costs of medical services and procedures clear and accessible to patients. This transparency is vital for several reasons:

  • Empowering Patients: It allows patients to understand, compare, and choose healthcare services based on cost.
  • Promoting Cost-Effective Care: Transparency leads to more competitive pricing, potentially lowering healthcare costs.
  • Enhancing Patient Trust: Clear pricing reduces the chances of unexpected medical bills, thereby increasing patient trust in healthcare providers.

Public Sector Healthcare: Price Transparency at Play

In the realm of public healthcare, which is typically government-funded and managed, price transparency has a unique role. Taqtik Health advocates for:

  • Transparent Budgeting: Ensuring public funds are allocated efficiently in healthcare.
  • Policy Support: Aiding in the development of fair and effective healthcare policies.
  • Public Awareness: Keeping patients informed about potential healthcare costs.

Private Sector Healthcare: A Different Perspective

In contrast, the private healthcare sector operates on market-driven principles, making price transparency a tool for:

  • Fostering Competition: Encouraging private providers to offer competitive pricing.
  • Supporting Informed Choices: Enabling patients to weigh costs alongside the quality of care.
  • Clarifying Medical Billing: Simplifying billing processes to improve patient understanding and satisfaction.

Overcoming Obstacles in Achieving Price Transparency

Achieving comprehensive healthcare price transparency faces several challenges:

  • Complex Billing Systems: Often intricate and hard for patients to decipher.
  • Cost Variability: Differences in costs due to location, insurance, and provider factors.
  • Regulatory Barriers: Challenges in aligning transparency practices across various healthcare systems.

Taqtik Health's Vision for Transparent Healthcare

Looking ahead, Taqtik Health is committed to advocating for and contributing to the advancement of healthcare price transparency. We believe that the future healthcare landscape will be more transparent, driven by technological advancements and an increasing emphasis on patient rights and empowerment.

Conclusion: A Transparent Future in Healthcare

At Taqtik Health, we view healthcare price transparency as an essential aspect of a patient-centered healthcare system. Whether it's in public or private healthcare settings, transparent pricing is key to informed decision-making and ultimately leads to a more equitable and efficient healthcare system.

Stay informed with Taqtik Health for more insights on healthcare price transparency and its impact on your healthcare journey.

Additional Resources

Preventative Care

The Vital Role of Preventive Healthcare

Introduction to Preventative Care

In today's healthcare landscape, where the focus often lies in treating diseases, Taqtik Health champions a fundamentally proactive approach – preventive healthcare. This shift from a reactive to a preventive care model is not merely a passing trend; rather, it is a crucial step towards fostering a healthier society.

Understanding Preventive Healthcare

At its core, preventive healthcare revolves around strategies designed to prevent diseases before they arise, rather than addressing them post-occurrence. This proactive stance encompasses regular health screenings, immunizations, and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, all pivotal in maintaining optimal health.

The Importance of Preventive Healthcare

  1. Early Detection of Diseases: Importantly, routine screenings enable the early detection of serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment.
  2. Reducing Healthcare Costs: Moreover, by either preventing illnesses or diagnosing them early, there's a considerable reduction in the need for costly treatments and hospitalizations.
  3. Increasing Life Expectancy: Regular check-ups and early interventions contribute to increased life expectancy, allowing individuals to enjoy a longer, healthier life.
  4. Enhancing Quality of Life: Furthermore, preventive healthcare is instrumental in avoiding the discomfort and limitations associated with chronic diseases.

Taqtik Health's Proactive Wellness Approach

At Taqtik Health, our belief is firmly rooted in empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for effective preventive care. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Personalized Health Screenings: Customized according to individual health profiles and risks.
  • Lifestyle Modification Programs: Emphasizing nutrition, exercise, and stress management.
  • Vaccination and Immunization Services: Crucial for protection against a myriad of diseases.
  • Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies: Specially designed for individuals at risk.

Integrating Technology in Preventive Healthcare

Taqtik Health harnesses cutting-edge technology to amplify the impact of preventive care. Our innovative digital health platforms provide:

  • Remote Monitoring: For continuous health tracking.
  • Telehealth Consultations: Ensuring convenient access to healthcare professionals.
  • Health Analytics: Delivering insights for informed health decisions.

Comprehensive Preventative Care Treatments

Preventative care treatments and procedures are vital in maintaining health and averting diseases. They primarily focus on early detection and proactive management of potential health issues. These include:

  • Regular Health Screenings and Check-ups: Vital for assessing overall health.
  • Cancer Screenings and Immunizations: Key in early disease detection and prevention.
  • Dental and Vision Check-ups: Crucial for maintaining oral and visual health.
  • Lifestyle and Mental Health Evaluations: Integral for overall well-being.


In essence, preventive healthcare is the bedrock of a robust and healthy society. Taqtik Health is dedicated to leading this transformative journey, redefining how we perceive and manage our health. Embracing preventive care marks a significant stride towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Contact Taqtik Health to explore how our preventive healthcare services can positively impact your life.

Additional Resources

Bariatric Surgery vs. Ozempic vs. Healthy Eating Best Path to Weight Loss

Bariatric Surgery vs. Ozempic vs. Healthy Eating: Which is the Best Path to Weight Loss?

In the journey towards weight loss and a healthier life, individuals often contemplate different approaches. Bariatric surgery, Ozempic, and healthy eating are three prominent options. Each has its unique advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore these options to help you make an informed decision on your path to a healthier you.

Bariatric Surgery:

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure that alters the digestive system, promoting weight loss through reduced food intake and nutrient absorption. Here are its advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Significant Weight Loss: Bariatric surgery often leads to substantial and rapid weight loss, making it a powerful option for those with severe obesity.
  2. Improves Health Conditions: Many individuals experience improvements in obesity-related health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, after bariatric surgery.
  3. Long-term Results: It provides lasting results when combined with a healthy lifestyle, as it encourages better eating habits and portion control.


  1. Surgical Risks: All surgeries carry inherent risks, including infection, bleeding, and anesthesia complications. Additionally, bariatric surgery can lead to long-term vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.
  2. Lifestyle Changes: Post-surgery, patients must adhere to a strict diet and exercise regimen. Failure to do so can lead to weight regain or complications.


Ozempic is a prescription medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. It works by regulating blood sugar levels and reducing appetite. Here are its advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Effective Blood Sugar Control: Ozempic helps control blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes, which is often associated with obesity.
  2. Appetite Suppression: It reduces appetite and promotes feelings of fullness, aiding in weight loss.
  3. Ease of Use: Ozempic is administered via a once-weekly injection, which can be more convenient than daily medications or surgery.


  1. Prescription Required: Ozempic is not available over the counter and requires a doctor's prescription.
  2. Potential Side Effects: Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some individuals may experience more severe side effects.

Healthy Eating:

Healthy eating involves making nutritious food choices, managing portion sizes, and adopting a balanced diet. Here are its advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Sustainability: Healthy eating is a lifelong approach to maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being.
  2. No Side Effects: Unlike surgery or medications, healthy eating does not come with potential side effects or health risks.
  3. Positive Lifestyle Changes: It promotes a healthy relationship with food and encourages mindful eating habits.


  1. Requires Discipline: Achieving and maintaining weight loss through healthy eating requires self-discipline and consistency, which can be challenging for some individuals.
  2. Slower Results: Healthy eating may yield slower weight loss results compared to surgery or medications.

In conclusion, the best approach to weight loss depends on individual circumstances, preferences, and health conditions. Bariatric surgery can offer rapid and significant weight loss but comes with surgical risks. Ozempic can help control blood sugar levels and reduce appetite, but it requires a prescription and may have side effects. Healthy eating, while sustainable and low-risk, requires long-term commitment and discipline.

Ultimately, Taqtik Health recommends consulting with a obesity or bariatric professional to determine the most suitable approach for your weight loss journey. They can provide personalized guidance and help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs and goals. Remember that any weight loss journey should be approached with caution and a focus on overall health and well-being.

Taqtik Health's Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations

Taqtik Health’s Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations


Taqtik Health's Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations

San Mateo, CA - Taqtik Health, a forerunner in both patient-centric service and healthcare technology, is elated to unveil its groundbreaking Bariatric Research program. This program, which places a rigorous emphasis on remote patient monitoring, is specifically tailored for patients who might be geographically separated from their primary medical professionals, be it by hundreds of miles or international borders. At the core of this initiative, Taqtik Health is also beta testing its innovative remote patient monitoring solution, connecting global bariatric surgeons with their remote patients. Beyond offering top-tier bariatric care, the program also stands as a beacon for eco-conscious medical practice, substantially reducing the carbon footprint associated with patient travel.

Each session is carefully designed to accommodate 30 participants, with an initial focus on applicants from the US and Canada. Given the program’s escalating popularity, several more groups are queued up on the waiting list. To further its global outreach, expansion to Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom is anticipated by early 2024.

Patient profiles include;

  1. overweight patients who have had bariatric surgery, planning to have bariatric surgery or planning weight loss through nutrition or exercise
  2. Unisex
  3. Reside in USA, or Canada (2023), and Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (early 2024)
  4. Have weight loss goals from 25+ lbs

Central goals of the research include:

  1. Improved Weight Loss Outcomes: Elevating post-surgery results for patients to ensure lasting health.
  2. Education and Support: Serving as an indispensable guide for those contemplating bariatric surgery, guaranteeing a knowledgeable and supported decision-making process.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Through top-tier bariatric care and continuous monitoring, the endeavor aims for unparalleled patient outcomes, heralding a life enriched with health and happiness.
  4. Improved efficiency and productivity for busy bariatric surgeons and specialists.

Program Highlights:

  1. Global Collaboration: Partnering with esteemed international bariatric experts for unmatched patient care.
  2. Remote, Yet Personal: Utilizing avant-garde technology to deliver personalized care, unhindered by geographical boundaries.
  3. Eco-Friendly Healthcare: Reducing the reliance on frequent travel, thereby fostering an environmentally responsible healthcare approach.

Technology Transformation in Bariatric Aftercare:

A significant leap from traditional methods, Taqtik Health's innovative technology eradicates the need for manual, ad-hoc, or even WhatsApp-based follow-ups that bariatric surgeons might have previously used. Instead, this state-of-the-art solution operates on synchronized vitals – vital statistics are automatically transmitted in real-time, tailored to individual patient thresholds. Notably, Taqtik Health's platform is integrated with over 500+ global wearables, ensuring diverse data capture and seamless compatibility. This not only ensures timely updates but also offers surgeons precise data, eliminating guesswork and enhancing post-operative care quality.

Rachel Rowling, Chief Operating Officer at Taqtik Health, noted, "The integration of this technology stands as a game-changer for both surgeons and patients. By offering real-time, tailored updates on patient vitals, we're ensuring that care is proactive, personalized, and exceptionally efficient. Our technology revolutionizes the post-operative landscape, ensuring patients receive immediate attention if any of their vitals deviate from their personal thresholds."

Yasuhiro Hashimoto, MD, President at Taqtik Health, remarked, "The fusion of our service dedication with cutting-edge technology underscores our mission to provide holistic care irrespective of geographical divides. Our commitment isn’t just to advanced healthcare but also to an environmentally sustainable model."

Both prospective bariatric patients and the wider medical fraternity can expect significant gains from Taqtik Health's initiative, all underpinned by groundbreaking research insights.

For a deeper dive into the Bariatric Research program or to showcase interest, individuals are encouraged to apply to Taqtik Health.  Currently there is a waiting list.

About Taqtik Health: Founded in 2015, Taqtik Health stands as a dual entity: a pillar in patient-centric service and a pioneer in healthcare technology. With relentless innovation at its helm, the organization is passionately committed to redefining global healthcare vistas.

Press Contact: Rachel Rowling, COO of  Taqtik Health and prime lead for the bariatric research program Email: rachel.rowling@taqtik.com Phone: (408) 915-6436

Share Tanzania - child and animal rescue

Taqtik Health’s Commitment to Global Philanthropy: Supporting Share Tanzania

Taqtik Health's Commitment to Global Philanthropy: Supporting Share Tanzania

At Taqtik Health, we recognize that our mission goes beyond healthcare solutions. It's about compassion, outreach, and making a tangible difference. With this spirit, we're proud to support Share Tanzania, an impactful initiative under the umbrella of the Creator Share Foundation, a UK registered charity (number 1169474).

Share Tanzania: A Beacon of Hope at the Foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro

Located amidst the picturesque foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Share Tanzania has been transforming lives since its inception in 2014. Rising from modest beginnings, the initiative has become a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of community, love, and shared responsibility.

The ethos of Share Tanzania resonates deeply with our values at Taqtik Health. We firmly believe that addressing challenges – whether in healthcare or daily life – requires a culture of sharing: sharing resources, expertise, love, and innovative ideas.

Share Tanzania’s mission statement encapsulates this belief: "To ensure children in crisis find a safe and loving home." The organization primarily focuses on keeping Tanzanian children with their families. With their children's fund supporting over a thousand children, this mission is indeed being realized, and we're honored to be part of this journey.

The heart of Share Tanzania is its founder, John. After witnessing the harsh realities faced by children in Uchira in 2013, John, a UK native, was driven to take action. Many children in the region were subjected to hard labor in mines, quarries, and fields, earning a pittance. Some only managed to afford the basic necessities. Moreover, numerous bright children were unable to attend school because of financial constraints.

Share Tanzania initially started with a fund that catered to education, housing, and medical care. As the organization grew, it became a sanctuary for homeless or orphaned children who couldn’t find a suitable guardian or family. This need gave birth to the Featherstale Children's Village and Angels Gate Home, which today serves as a home and family to over 100 precious children.

John's dedication was evident when he chose to revive a previously failed NGO he had volunteered with. Within a year, 111 children were sponsored globally, providing them with education, meals, clothing, and medical care. Furthermore, housing was facilitated in Uchira, whether rented or purpose-built.

Many of these children, once subjected to child labor, were reintroduced to the joys and innocence of childhood. As the needs grew, a children's village was established, followed by a home for street-involved children.

Beyond human welfare, Share Tanzania also took steps to cater to the local canine population through the Kilimanjaro Animal Rescue shelter.

Our Pledge

At Taqtik Health (as monthly gold sponsors), we're deeply inspired by Share Tanzania's work and are committed to amplifying their efforts. By supporting such initiatives, we strive to contribute to a world where every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has an opportunity to thrive.

Join us in our journey to make a difference. Together, we can create a world filled with hope, love, and shared responsibility. For more information please visit https://www.sharetanzania.co.uk/

PatRangit Hospital

Bariatric Surgery at Pat-Rangsit Hospital: Transforming Lives with Expert Care

Bangkok, the crown jewel of Thailand, isn’t just famous for its mesmerizing temples and delectable street food. Recently, it’s been earning accolades for its world-class medical facilities and treatments. One such beacon of medical excellence is Pat-Rangsit Hospital. And at Taqtik Health, we take immense pride in guiding our clients to this impressive establishment, especially for life-transforming procedures such as the gastric sleeve surgery.

About Gastric Sleeve Surgery 

For those new to the term, gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, is a procedure where a large portion of the stomach is removed, resulting in a banana-shaped “sleeve” that connects to the intestines. This surgery can be a game-changer for those who have battled obesity, helping them attain sustainable weight loss by curbing excessive hunger and promoting early satiety.

Why Pat-Rangsit Hospital is a Taqtik Health Recommendation

  1. Top-tier Medical Team: Entrust your well-being to a proficient team of surgeons, dietitians, and dedicated healthcare professionals.
  2. Modern Medical Amenities: Benefit from the latest medical equipment and facilities, ensuring the highest standard of care.
  3. Value for Money: Bangkok’s reputation as a hub for medical tourism isn’t just due to quality but also the affordability of treatments. Pat-Rangsit Hospital embodies this balance perfectly.
  4. Holistic Patient Care: From dietary advice to post-operative therapy, every patient receives a comprehensive care package tailored to their needs.
  5. International Patients Are Priority: With services ranging from translation to travel assistance, international patrons feel right at home.

Taqtik Health & Your Journey to Health

We understand that the journey to health, especially for international medical tourists, can be laden with uncertainties. Taqtik Health strives to make this journey smooth, ensuring that you get the best treatments available while enjoying the serenity and beauty Bangkok has to offer.

Tales of Transformation

Through Taqtik Health, numerous clients have taken the leap towards better health at Pat-Rangsit Hospital. Their success stories, replete with newfound confidence and health milestones, serve as an inspiration to us all.

Closing Thoughts

Your journey to a healthier, more vibrant self deserves nothing but the best. At Taqtik Health, we’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you find the best treatments and experiences. With Pat-Rangsit Hospital as one of our top recommendations in Bangkok, we’re confident in the positive transformation that awaits you. Join us, and let’s embark on this journey together.

TQ - Dr. Sathienrapong Chantawibul

Meet Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Sathienrapong Chantawibul

Dr. Sathienrapong Chantawibul Specializations:

Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery, Minimally Invasive Procedures

About Phaet Rangsit 2 Hospital:

Dr. Sathienrapong Chantawibul operates at Phaet Rangsit 2 Hospital. Established in 2019, Phaet Rangsit 2 Hospital was founded to enhance medical options for all disease groups. The objective was to elevate care standards to match the leading private hospitals in Bangkok, using a team of medical professionals and modern technology for medical examination and treatment. Notably, they offer services such as gastrointestinal endoscopy and 3D electrical ablation. The hospital is ready to cater to clients in the ASEAN Economic Community and foreigners, operating across multiple branches 24/7.

Current Appointments:

  • Head of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Unit at Rajavithi Hospital and Rungsit Medical College University, Bangkok.
  • Founder and Leading Practitioner at the Obesity Clinic, Rajavithi Hospital under the Medical Department of Thailand’s Ministry of Health.

Educational Background:

  • Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khan Kaen University, 2009 – 2013.
  • Higher Graduate Diploma in Clinical Medical Sciences in Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at Khan Kaen University, 2015 – 2017.
  • Diploma of Thai Board of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Khan Kaen University, 2015 – 2019.
  • Clinical Fellowship Training Program in Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery from the esteemed King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, 2020 – 2021.

Professional Experience:

  • Physician & Surgery Resident, Srinagarind Hospital, 2014 – 2019.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, 2020 – 2021.
  • Staff General Surgeon, Rajavithi Hospital and Rungsit Medical College University, Bangkok, 2019 – Present.

Noteworthy Academic Contributions:

  • Published Work: “Incidence of Pulmonary Embolism in Surgical Patients: Hospital-based” in the Indian Journal of Surgery, December 2019.
  • Video Presentation at ELSA 2019: “Peritonitis in Critical Illness Patient Treatment by Laparoscopic Approach” with Jakrapan Wittayapairoch.
  • Award: Best Oral Presentation at the 46th Congress of KSELS & 10th International Symposium in Conjunction with KAROS Congress 2020 for “Weight regain comparison of Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Thai patients: 5 Years of Follow-up Study” with Prof. Suthep Udomsawaengsup.
  • Guest Speaker: “All About Hernia: Parastomal Hernia and How to Prevention” in December 2020, organized by the Faculty of Medicine, CHIANGMAI University.

At Taqtik Health, we endorse Dr. Chantawibul's dedication, expertise, and experience, marking him as a top choice for those seeking bariatric and minimally invasive surgical procedures in Bangkok, Thailand.

CMQ Hospital - Puerto Vallarta

Bariatric Surgery at CMQ Premier Hospital: Transforming Lives with Expert Care

At Taqtik Health, we understand that your journey towards a healthier lifestyle is unique, and that's why we're thrilled to introduce you to the life-changing world of bariatric surgery at CMQ Premier Hospital. Our commitment is to empower you with personalized solutions that go beyond just shedding pounds – it's about experiencing a transformative lifestyle change.

Your Personal Transformation Begins Here

You're not alone in this journey. Our experienced medical team at CMQ Premier Hospital is dedicated to guiding you through every step. From the moment you start considering bariatric surgery to the time you achieve your goals and beyond, we're by your side, ensuring your well-being and success.

Expert Guidance from Skilled Professionals

Our team of seasoned bariatric surgeons, nutritionists, and support staff at CMQ Premier Hospital brings a wealth of expertise to your weight loss journey. With years of experience, they understand that your health is a top priority, and they tailor their approach to fit your unique needs.

Advanced Procedures Tailored to You

Taqtik Health and CMQ Premier Hospital offer a range of advanced bariatric procedures, all designed to match your individual health goals:

  1. Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Experience portion control through this minimally invasive procedure that reduces your stomach size.
  2. Gastric Bypass Surgery: Discover a path to reduced calorie absorption and changed hormonal signals for hunger and fullness.
  3. Gastric Band Surgery: Achieve portion control with the placement of an adjustable band around your stomach.

Your Personalized Wellness Journey

We know that no two individuals are alike. That's why our approach to bariatric surgery is all about personalization. From the initial consultation to the final follow-up, your journey is uniquely tailored to you, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Preparation and Ongoing Support

Education and preparation are key to success. Through pre-surgery assessments, nutritional guidance, and psychological evaluations, we equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. After your surgery, our continuous support and follow-up appointments are integral to your long-term success.

Discover Tranquil Recovery and Expertise

CMQ Premier Hospital, nestled in serene Mexico, offers not only medical excellence but also a tranquil environment for recovery. Amidst state-of-the-art facilities, our dedicated team ensures your comfort and care every step of the way.

Embrace the Future You

At Taqtik Health, we invite you to embark on a journey that leads to not just weight loss, but a fuller, healthier life. With our focus on personalized care, advanced procedures, and experienced professionals, we're here to help you embrace a brighter, healthier future.

Your Transformation Awaits

Step into a world of transformation with bariatric surgery at CMQ Premier Hospital. Your journey to a healthier, happier you starts here. Contact Taqtik Health today to explore the possibilities and take the first step towards your life-changing transformation.

Dr. Sergio del Hoyo

Dr. Sergio del Hoyo: Premier Bariatric Surgeon in Puerto Vallarta, MX

Dr. Sergio del Hoyo. Embarking on a weight loss journey through surgical intervention is both a significant and life-altering decision. Weight loss surgery not only mitigates the health complications related to obesity but also operates through two primary mechanisms:

  1. Restriction - By surgically reducing the stomach's capacity, the amount of food intake is naturally limited, subsequently curbing the calorie consumption.
  2. Malabsorption - Certain procedures modify or bypass a segment of the small intestine, which decreases calorie and nutrient absorption.

Given an individual's medical background, a surgeon can advise the most appropriate procedure. Typically, the surgery entails about five days, and due to its laparoscopic approach, the surgical incisions remain minimal. Such minimally invasive techniques can undoubtedly propel one towards a healthier life trajectory.

About Dr. Sergio del Hoyo

Recognized both in Mexico and Europe, Dr. Sergio del Hoyo boasts dual board certification. He embarked on his illustrious medical journey in Guadalajara, MX, delving deep into Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Disorders. Subsequent years saw him specialize further in Obesity and Metabolic Diseases in Strasbourg, France. He remains abreast of the latest advancements, attending the World Congresses on Obesity annually.

Endorsed by esteemed institutions like the CMCG, CMCOEM, AMCE, and IFSO, Dr. del Hoyo's expertise encompasses laparoscopic gastric bypass, laparoscopic gastric sleeve, and duodenal switch procedures. He also caters to a myriad of ailments, from gallbladder issues, hemorrhoids, gastritis to hernias. Operating primarily at the renowned CMQ Premiere Hospital, Dr. del Hoyo's reputation stems from his exceptional healthcare delivery amalgamated with his genuine patient care. His holistic approach is bolstered by a dedicated team comprising nutritionists, endoscopists, and anesthetists.

Exploring Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Puerto Vallarta stands tall as one of Mexico's treasured locales. Over the years, its charm has bewitched many global travelers. Should you decide to visit ahead of your surgery, indulge in the ethereal sunsets at Los Muertos Pier or meander through the quaint cobblestone pathways of the Malecon. The Botanical Gardens beckon nature enthusiasts, while whale watching remains a must-experience. The iconic Lady of Guadalupe’s church, along with the once-residence of Elizabeth Taylor, adds a touch of historical allure. For the romantics, Puerto Vallarta never disappoints.

Bonus: Remote Patient Monitoring

The challenges of providing care to international patients don't end post-surgery or post-treatment, especially when they return to their home country. With Taqtik Health RPM, healthcare providers can transcend geographical barriers, ensuring that the quality of care remains consistent, no matter where the patient is located.

For patients, the RPM system provides peace of mind. They can confidently travel for medical treatments, knowing that their health metrics are constantly monitored and that they remain connected to their overseas medical team.

Why Choose Puerto Vallarta for Weight Loss Surgery?

Combine world-class medical care with a vacation-like experience. With Dr. Sergio del Hoyo and his team at the helm, you get top-notch weight loss surgery complemented by the serene beauty of  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Embrace a new you while basking in the wonders of this world-renowned getaway.