Bariatric Surgery Package - Bangkok, Thailand

Embark on a Transformation Journey: Bariatric Surgery in Bangkok

Bariatric Surgery Bangkok

Are you ready to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life? Dr. Ratchamon Pinyoteppratarn at Pat Ransit Hospital in the vibrant heart of Bangkok, Thailand, is here to guide you on your transformative journey. Discover the incredible promotion for bariatric surgery in this bustling metropolis, featuring options like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Achieving your wellness goals has never been more accessible and affordable.

Unlocking Your Potential with Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a life-changing decision, and we understand the significance of cost considerations. Dr. Ratchamon Pinyoteppratarn's clinic offers the gastric sleeve procedure, starting at just 250,000 THB. This inclusive package covers a comprehensive range of services, ensuring your well-being throughout your transformative journey.

What's Included - Bariatric Surgery Bangkok

  • Gastric Sleeve Procedure (Starting at 250,000 THB): Begin your journey to lasting weight loss and improved health with the gastric sleeve, a procedure designed to reduce the size of your stomach.
  • Up to 3 Nights of Standard Room Hospitalization: Rest and recover in comfort during your hospital stay, with the package including up to three nights in a standard room.
  • Nursing Service Charges and Service Fees: Your well-being is our priority, and our package covers nursing service charges and service fees.
  • Comprehensive Doctor Fees: The package includes fees for the surgeon, assistant surgeon, and anesthesiologist, ensuring a skilled team guides you through the procedure.
  • Operating Room Charges: Our state-of-the-art facilities provide a safe and effective environment for your surgery.
  • Procedure-Related Laboratory Tests and Radiology (Pre-op Tests): Thorough pre-operative tests help ensure your readiness for the procedure.
  • Medical Equipment and Supplies: We provide the necessary medical equipment and supplies for your surgery.
  • Procedure-Related Medications: Medications needed for your procedure are included.

Considerations and Payment

  • While our package covers an extensive range of services, please note that any additional procedures, tests, advanced investigations, consultations, or special medicines will be billed separately.
  • To validate the price information, patients are required to sign a document at the hospital.
  • Payments for medical services are expected before or on the first appointment date for self-pay patients. Payment methods include credit cards, money orders, or bank wire transfers.
  • Throughout your treatment, care, and recovery, the final bill will be periodically reviewed to ensure accuracy, and any necessary adjustments will be made accordingly.
  • Patients with international insurance should contact their International coordinator to verify benefit eligibility and authorization for their visit.
  • Any remaining balance or credit after departure will be processed accordingly.

Additional Information 

  • As part of our commitment to your comfort and convenience, we offer free translating services, ensuring clear communication during your journey.
  • Enjoy the ease of free Airport-Hotel-Hospital transfers, making your travel and transitions hassle-free.
  • Should the need for further procedures arise beyond the initial treatment plan, these will be evaluated based on your clinical examination and status.
  • After your successful journey to improved health, patients typically return to their home country five days after discharge.


Your transformation journey begins in the bustling city of Bangkok, where Dr. Ratchamon Pinyoteppratarn and Pat Ransit Hospital are ready to support you. With our affordable bariatric surgery promotion, there's no better time to embark on a path to wellness. Make 2023 the year you embrace positive change through bariatric surgery in captivating Bangkok, Thailand!

Taqtik Health is committed to providing transparent and accurate pricing information to our patients. However, it is essential to understand that the final cost may differ from the initial estimate based on individual medical needs and preferences.

Price Disclaimer

We encourage all patients to consult with our team and their chosen healthcare provider to receive a personalized and comprehensive cost breakdown for their specific procedure. We are dedicated to ensuring that our patients have a clear understanding of all associated expenses to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

For the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information, please contact Taqtik Health or the specific healthcare provider directly.

This disclaimer helps convey transparency and clarity to potential patients about the pricing of medical procedures while acknowledging that costs may vary based on individual circumstances.

Navigating Health During Stress Challenges and Strategies

Navigating Health During Stress: Challenges and Strategies

Navigating the intricate lanes of modern life, you encounter stress, a pervasive companion that may cast profound impacts on your well-being. Juggling work, family, and personal life sparks a vital query: How formidable is the challenge to preserve health amidst stress? Let's navigate through the challenges stress imposes on your health, such as processed food addiction and medication management, and uncover practical strategies to uphold your well-being even amidst life’s pressures.

Unveiling the Connection Between Stress and Health:

  • Physical Health Impact: Chronic stress can levy a hefty toll on your physical health, potentially leading to elevated blood pressure, diminished immune functionality, and a heightened risk of heart disease. Your body's emergency response, the "fight or flight" mechanism, might become overactive, navigating towards long-term health concerns.
  • Mental Health Consequences: Stress carves a pathway closely tied to mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Persistent stress can nurture or worsen these conditions, necessitating that you address stress to safeguard mental well-being.

Navigating the Tides of Healthy Choices Amidst Stress: 

  • Emotional Eating and Food Addiction: Stress often nudges you towards emotional eating and an addiction to processed foods, whereby comfort foods, rich in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, become a coping tactic. These choices can steer you towards weight gain, nutritional deficiencies, and a cyclic dependency on processed foods.
  • Reliance on Medication: Stress can also channel you towards an increased reliance on medications, especially those tailored for managing anxiety, depression, and other stress-oriented conditions. Overutilization or mishandling of medication may navigate towards detrimental health outcomes.
  • Sleep Deficiencies: Stress can interrupt your sleep patterns, propelling you towards insomnia or suboptimal sleep quality. Lack of sleep can influence cognitive function, mood, and overall health, further entwining you in unhealthy eating habits and medication dependence.
  • Diminished Physical Activity: Amidst stress, maintaining a commitment to physical activity becomes a daunting voyage. This may navigate you towards a sedentary lifestyle, detrimental to health, and exacerbate the cyclical pattern of stress, unhealthy eating, and medication application.

Strategies to Uphold Health Amidst Stress: 

  • Harnessing Stress Management Techniques: Embark on a journey with stress management strategies, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. These practices can guide you towards reduced stress hormone levels, promote relaxation, and assist in breaking free from food addiction and minimizing medication dependence.
  • Adopting Healthy Eating Habits: Turn your sails towards a nutritious diet by ensuring a balanced intake. Curtail processed foods and sugars, and prioritize whole foods that nourish your body. Seek support or counseling to navigate through food addiction.
  • Navigating Medication Management: Engage in dialogues with your healthcare provider to explore your medication regimen. Investigate if modifications or alternative treatments may present a viable course to diminish reliance on stress-related medications.
  • Incorporating Regular Exercise: Embed physical activity into your routine, even a brief walk suffices. Exercise unveils a path to endorphin release, enhancing mood, alleviating stress, and supporting efforts to detach from unhealthy habits and medication utilization.
  • Ensuring Adequate Sleep: Prioritize sleep hygiene to enhance sleep quality. Rejuvenating sleep can reduce stress, ease healthy food choices, and trim down reliance on sleep-influencing medications.
  • Leveraging Social Support: Leverage your friends, family, or support groups for emotional backing during stressful epochs and while working to overcome food addiction and minimize medication dependence. Sharing your journey offers relief and a sense of connection.
  • Seeking Professional Assistance: Should stress, food addiction, and medication reliance overwhelm and begin steering your daily life off course, consider seeking the support of a mental health professional or addiction counselor. They can guide, support, and strategize with you to manage stress, navigate through food addiction, and minimize medication utilization.

In conclusion, preserving health amidst stress and navigating through food addiction and medication reliance is undeniably a challenging voyage. Acknowledging the impact of stress on both physical and mental health is your starting point. By adopting practical strategies to manage stress, prioritize self-care, break free from unhealthy habits, and seek support for food addiction and medication management, you can navigate through its negative impacts and maintain your well-being. Remember, your health is an invaluable treasure, and investing in it, particularly amidst turbulent times, is a crucial endeavor.