Taqtik Health's Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations

Taqtik Health’s Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations


Taqtik Health's Bariatric Research Program Champions Remote Patient Monitoring for Distant Patient-Doctor Collaborations

San Mateo, CA - Taqtik Health, a forerunner in both patient-centric service and healthcare technology, is elated to unveil its groundbreaking Bariatric Research program. This program, which places a rigorous emphasis on remote patient monitoring, is specifically tailored for patients who might be geographically separated from their primary medical professionals, be it by hundreds of miles or international borders. At the core of this initiative, Taqtik Health is also beta testing its innovative remote patient monitoring solution, connecting global bariatric surgeons with their remote patients. Beyond offering top-tier bariatric care, the program also stands as a beacon for eco-conscious medical practice, substantially reducing the carbon footprint associated with patient travel.

Each session is carefully designed to accommodate 30 participants, with an initial focus on applicants from the US and Canada. Given the program’s escalating popularity, several more groups are queued up on the waiting list. To further its global outreach, expansion to Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom is anticipated by early 2024.

Patient profiles include;

  1. overweight patients who have had bariatric surgery, planning to have bariatric surgery or planning weight loss through nutrition or exercise
  2. Unisex
  3. Reside in USA, or Canada (2023), and Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (early 2024)
  4. Have weight loss goals from 25+ lbs

Central goals of the research include:

  1. Improved Weight Loss Outcomes: Elevating post-surgery results for patients to ensure lasting health.
  2. Education and Support: Serving as an indispensable guide for those contemplating bariatric surgery, guaranteeing a knowledgeable and supported decision-making process.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: Through top-tier bariatric care and continuous monitoring, the endeavor aims for unparalleled patient outcomes, heralding a life enriched with health and happiness.
  4. Improved efficiency and productivity for busy bariatric surgeons and specialists.

Program Highlights:

  1. Global Collaboration: Partnering with esteemed international bariatric experts for unmatched patient care.
  2. Remote, Yet Personal: Utilizing avant-garde technology to deliver personalized care, unhindered by geographical boundaries.
  3. Eco-Friendly Healthcare: Reducing the reliance on frequent travel, thereby fostering an environmentally responsible healthcare approach.

Technology Transformation in Bariatric Aftercare:

A significant leap from traditional methods, Taqtik Health's innovative technology eradicates the need for manual, ad-hoc, or even WhatsApp-based follow-ups that bariatric surgeons might have previously used. Instead, this state-of-the-art solution operates on synchronized vitals – vital statistics are automatically transmitted in real-time, tailored to individual patient thresholds. Notably, Taqtik Health's platform is integrated with over 500+ global wearables, ensuring diverse data capture and seamless compatibility. This not only ensures timely updates but also offers surgeons precise data, eliminating guesswork and enhancing post-operative care quality.

Rachel Rowling, Chief Operating Officer at Taqtik Health, noted, "The integration of this technology stands as a game-changer for both surgeons and patients. By offering real-time, tailored updates on patient vitals, we're ensuring that care is proactive, personalized, and exceptionally efficient. Our technology revolutionizes the post-operative landscape, ensuring patients receive immediate attention if any of their vitals deviate from their personal thresholds."

Yasuhiro Hashimoto, MD, President at Taqtik Health, remarked, "The fusion of our service dedication with cutting-edge technology underscores our mission to provide holistic care irrespective of geographical divides. Our commitment isn’t just to advanced healthcare but also to an environmentally sustainable model."

Both prospective bariatric patients and the wider medical fraternity can expect significant gains from Taqtik Health's initiative, all underpinned by groundbreaking research insights.

For a deeper dive into the Bariatric Research program or to showcase interest, individuals are encouraged to apply to Taqtik Health.  Currently there is a waiting list.

About Taqtik Health: Founded in 2015, Taqtik Health stands as a dual entity: a pillar in patient-centric service and a pioneer in healthcare technology. With relentless innovation at its helm, the organization is passionately committed to redefining global healthcare vistas.

Press Contact: Rachel Rowling, COO of  Taqtik Health and prime lead for the bariatric research program Email: rachel.rowling@taqtik.com Phone: (408) 915-6436

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